Clinician Spotlight: Lisa Chung, M.S.
November 1, 2021
Where did you go to undergrad?
Did you always know you wanted to work in a medical setting or have any previous medical setting work exposure before graduate school?
I did not have previous experience working in medical settings before graduate school, but through this program have become greatly interested!
Why did you choose to join the Primary Care Psychology Training Collaborative run by Drs. Rybarczyk and Jones? Did you hear anything in particular from other students that made you want to work in primary care?
I was excited to learn about the different brief models of treatment used in medical settings as well as have the opportunity to work with an interdisciplinary team. I was also interested in working with patients of diverse backgrounds.
What primary care clinic(s) do currently you work in?
I currently work at Ambulatory Care Center, Hayes E. Willis, and OB Motivate.
What clinical populations are you interested in working with?
I am interested in adults of varying ages. I am interested in clinical work that centers on a wide range of presenting concerns, such as adjustment, anxiety, depression, and trauma.
What have you liked about your primary care rotation?
I love having the opportunity to work with a patient population that is diverse in background as well as clinical and medical concerns. I also enjoy the collaborative nature of the behavioral health team!
What are your big takeaways from your work in primary care so far? How do you think this opportunity will prepare you for the workforce when you graduate?
Some of the biggest takeaways is the benefit of brief models of psychotherapy. I feel like through the primary care experience, I have been able to efficiently use the session time and better develop as a clinician. I have also learned the importance of incorporating behavioral health into medical settings. I have also greatly valued the interactions I have had with such wonderful patients. Through the primary care experience, I have been able to develop skills that will help me in any field of clinical work.